Trees of Hope

Susanne Fischer-Rizzi

  • Comprehensive portraits of the 20 most important climate trees
  • Botany, ecology, history, and healing power
  • Including cooking recipes
Deutscher Gartenbuchpreis Dennenlohe 2023
ISBN: 978-3-03902-077-5
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 320 pages
Weight: 1236 g
Format: 19.5 cm x 25.5 cm
115 colour photos, 9 illustrations
Right sold: All rights available
36,00 EUR

More Information

Establish a new relationship with nature!

In the age of climate change people and trees are under heavy stress. What is it that connects the two in this particular situation? Can they try and overcome it together? In her latest book, a tour guide about new climate trees in the city, Susanne Fischer-Rizzi provides answers to these questions.
Trees such as ginkgo, paulownia, and liquidambar that were originally classified as invasive in Western Europe, can endure the altered climatic conditions. On top of that, they help our psyche to regenerate and strengthen our immune system.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi combines the latest scientific findings with fascinating and magical stories. Eccentric recipes such as hackberry milk, black walnut cake, and mulberry omelette round of this amazing book. The renowned naturopathy expert presents a holistic view on climate change and the bond between nature and humans. Learn to see the trees that surround you with new eyes!

Susanne Fischer-Rizzi: Alternative practitioner, pioneer of aromatherapy and naturopathy, expert on permaculture and agroforestry. Author of 15 reference books translated into numerous languages. International teaching activity, as well as at her school ARVEN.

Photos: Gabriela Lagrange, Jonas Frei

Illustrations: Rosy Jungbluth