Natural Treatment of Chronic Bowel Conditions

Claudia Ritter

  • Individualized, holistic therapies for chronic bowel conditions
  • 22 healing plants that help with irritable bowel syndrome, morbus Crohn, colitis ulcerosa, and diverticula
  • Numerous recipes and therapy suggestions
ISBN: 978-3-03902-166-6
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 272 pages
Weight: 632 g
Format: 14.5 cm x 22 cm
19 colour photos, word count: 61.009
Right sold: All rights available
28,00 EUR

More Information

There is a plant-based cure for everything – even with bowel diseases!

Chronic bowel conditions are very !common: many people suffer from food allergies, bowel mis-colonisations, leaky gut syndrome, chronic, phlogistic bowel diseases, or diverticula of the intestinal wall which are prone to inflammation. Healing plants such as tormentil, blueberry, turmeric, myrrh, centaury, or olibanum can serve as a valuable alternative or may complement a traditional medical treatment. Claudia Ritter explains how to use these most effectively.
She presents disease patterns in a concise and informative way and renders portraits of numerous healing plants together with therapy suggestions and recipes. As chronic bowel conditions often cause a nutrient deficiency, she also dedicates a chapter to the manufacturing of probiotics, provides tips for dieting, and recipes that help with strongly damaged bowels.
A comprehensive manual for people with chronic bowel conditions, easy to read and neatly structured.

Claudia Ritter: Alternative practitioner and author. In 2020 she was appointed a member of »Kommission E«, a commission of plant medicine experts.