a casa

Claudio Del Principe

  • Volume 2 of the successful cooking diary
  • Seasonal, regional, and sustainable shopping and cooking
  • Even more inspiration, priceless cooking expertise, and amusing anecdotes
Best in the World 2023swiss gourmetbook award 2023Deutscher Kochbuchpreis 2022
ISBN: 978-3-03902-180-2
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 248 pages
Weight: 962 g
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.5 cm
133 colour photos, ribbon
Right sold: All rights available
39,00 EUR

More Information

Tutti a tavola! Del Principe is serving dinner.

No other author writes as sensually about ingredients and food preparation as Claudio Del Principe. »When I stand in my kitchen, time is replenished with beauty.« He finds true delight and, what is more, the meaning of life in the simplest ingredients and most basic dishes. For Claudio Del Principe‘s thoughts around food always go hand in hand with an appreciation for the craft, a deep esteem for producers and produce, honouring true food culture.The second volume of the successful cooking diary »a casa« focuses on baking, using his famous home-grown mother yeast »Bianca«. The latest journey takes us to the realm of fermentation. Claudio Del Principe makes us rediscover familiar and also boldly explore new things. He sharpens our eye, trains our taste, and offers safe guidance for a relaxing cooking experience led by seasonal instinct. A cookbook full of inspiration and love of good food. Day by day.

Claudio Del Principe: Writer, storyteller, and successful author of eight award-winning cookbooks. Sought-after lecturer, columnist, and organizer of workshops on handmade pasta and lievito madre.

»Only those who are ready to appreciate a focus on essential things will have the power to transform the ordinary into something truly outstanding.« – Claudio Del Principe