Lost In the Alps 2

Spectacular Hikes in the Swiss Mountains

The Alpinists, Marco Bäni, Nicola Bonderer, Roman Flepp, Kai Grossmann, Jon Guler, Joni Hedinger, Valentin Manhart, Rami Ravasio, Jannis Richli, Silvan Schlegel, Fabio Zingg

  • The mountaineering and hiking book for the Instagram generation.
  • More than 60 hikes with breath-taking photos of the Alps.
  • Eleven friends reaching more than a million people.
46,00 EUR
Lieferbar in 3-5 Arbeitstagen

ISBN: 978-3-03902-219-9
1. Auflage, 2023
Einband: Gebunden
Umfang: 312 Seiten
Gewicht: 1542 g
Format: 21 cm x 28 cm

Mehr Infos zum Buch

A declaration of love to the Swiss mountain ranges!

With their first book »Lost in the Alps« the Alpinists have very successfully shaken up the hype around the Swiss mountains. Now the collective of 11 friends once again answered the call of the mountains.

Through their spectacular outdoor photography the »young savages« discover vast landscapes where humans can feel wonderfully tiny. They provide tips for photographers and give an account of their adventures and highlights in the Swiss Alps. The more than 60 hiking trails, including some really demanding ones, are complemented by practical information and helpful maps, and take us to hidden mountain lakes, welcoming lodges, and peaks with breath-taking views.

In this book friends of the continuously growing community share their favourite hikes in the Swiss Alps. A delight for the eye that makes us long for adventures.

Infos zur Autorin / zum Autor

The Alpinists

sind ein Kollektiv von elf Freunden, die sich alle für Fotografie, Reisen und Abenteuer begeistern. Die Gruppe hat sich zur grössten Schweizer Community für Outdoor-Fotografie entwickelt und erreicht auf Social-Media-Kanälen über 1 Million Menschen. Ihr Ziel ist es, junge Leute zu inspirieren, mehr nach draussen zu gehen und die Natur zu entdecken. Das Kollektiv setzt sich mit seinen Projekten für sanften Tourismus ein.

are a collective of eleven friends who are passionate photographers, travellers, and adventurers. The group has become the biggest Swiss community for outdoor photography and reaches more than 1 million people via social media channels. Their aim is to inspire young people to go outdoors more often and explore nature.

Marco Bäni

Nicola Bonderer

Roman Flepp

Kai Grossmann

Jon Guler

Joni Hedinger

Valentin Manhart

Rami Ravasio

Jannis Richli

Silvan Schlegel

Fabio Zingg

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